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Indicate the different properties of the form's section as well as the list of the data that it contains.
A section has the following properties:
Sequence number of section Number used to order the sections within the form. It is required.
Name of section Name identifying the section. It is required.
Display name Option indicating whether to display the section's identification line in the form (box not checked y default).

The name must be displayed if the section is repetitive as it is in the section's identification line that are the commands to add and delete lines of data in the section.
Dimension of section Number of columns and number of lines to be placed in the grid to dispose data in the section. These boundaries can be from 1 to 255 and are required.

The command   accompanying the number of columns and number of lines displays the page Section size allowing the user to specify the size of each column and line of the section. The size of the columns is indicated in pixels or percentages, as desired. The size of the lines is indicated in pixels.
Repetitive section Option indicating if the section can be repeated when data is entered in the form (box not checked by default). If the section is repetitive, the data it contains can be entered in several occurrences. If not, the section data can only be entered in one occurrence.

A non-repetitive section can become repetitive with no conditions. However, a repetitive section cannot become non-repetitive if at least one data in the section's repetitive zone is completed in a student form in more than one section occurrence.
Number of heading lines When the section is repetitive, a number of lines from the grid can be reserved for the section heading. These set lines, useful to enter titles (or even data to be entered), will appear only once at the top of the form's section.

If specified, the number of lines of heading must be inferior to the number of lines indicated in the section's dimension.
Default number of repeats When the section is repetitive, this parameter, which becomes required, indicates the number of empty lines that will be displayed by default for the section when the form is being created in the student record. It also determines the number of empty lines that will be printed for the section when a blank copy of the form is printed.
Sort When the section is repetitive, this parameter sets the order (ascending or descending) in wich the repetitions will be sorted.
Authorized modification This option is used to authorize the modification of the section data to personnel who normally are restricted to viewing the form. The  icon calls up the Selection of types of personnel screen used to select, only among the personnel authorized to view the form, those who will be allowed to modify the section.
Confidential section Option indicating if the section is confidential or accessible to all (box not checked by default). A confidential section will only be visible to, and modifiable by, the form's authors. It is identified by a red frame.

The section cannot be confidential when types of personnel are specified in the Authorized modification option.
Print section Option indicating if the section is to be considered when the form is printed (box checked by default).
Background color The icon displays the Background Color selection allowing to choose a gray background color for the section. By default, there is no background color.
Page break Option indicating if the section must start on a new page when the form is printed (box not checked by default).
Context-sensitive help Context-sensitive help relating to the section. The icon displays the Extended editing screen used to complete the text in a larger area. It will be possible for the form's users to consult the text by using the icon.
There is next a table that displays the list of the data defined for the section. This table is displayed in Simplified mode or in Extensive mode, as desired by the user:
- The Simplified mode displays a short data table: sequence number, name of data.
- The Extensive mode also allows the user to modify the layout properties for the section's data, with a dynamic display of a preview for the section at the bottom of the page.

The section page is initially displayed in Simplified mode. The selected mode is retained until the user exits the section.

For each of the section data, there is the following information:
Sequence number of data Number used to order the section data in the table at the bottom of the page. It has no bearing on the layout of the data in the form section. It is required.
Name of data Name identifying the data (its title).
Layout properties In Extensive mode, the layout properties are present and can be modified directly in the table. Distinct properties exist for the name of the data (its title) and for the data itself (entry zone):
- Display
Indicates if the name of the data is displayed and, if so, in Normal or Bold mode.
- Position
Column number and line number from which starts the display of the data name or data. Values from 1 to 255. Required for the name of the data if it is displayed. Always required for the data.
- Dimension
Width (number of columns) and height (number of lines) over which to display the data name or data. Values from 1 to 255 (by default, width of 1 and height of 1). Required for the name of the data if it is displayed. Always required for the data.
- Alignment
Horizontal alignment (Left, Centered, Right,) and vertical alignment (Top, Centered, Bottom) of the data name or data in the zone set by the dimension. By default, the suggested horizontal alignment is Left and the suggested vertical alignment is Top.
- Wrap (Automatic line return)
This option (selected by default) provides the form with more elasticity. The form adjusts to the size of the screen by disposing the data name or text (in viewing or print mode) over several lines, as required, to decrease the width of the column. If the option is not selected, the data name or text is displayed in a set manner on the same line.
The following layout rules, concerning the positioning coordinates and the dimensions provided, are verified for each of the objects placed in the section, i.e. the name of the data (if its display is requested) and the data:
- According to its position and dimension, it must be possible to display the object entirely within the grid.
- It must be possible to display all parts of the object without overlapping other objects in the grid.
- When the section is repetitive with a number of heading lines  > 0, the object cannot overlap the heading zone and the repetitive zone.
The following layout property is verified only for the data (not its name), in the case where the section is repetitive with a number of heading lines > 0:
- The data cannot be moved from the repetitive zone to the heading zone if it is completed in a student form in more than one section occurrence.
In Extensive mode, the lower part of the page shows a preview of the layout of the data placed in the section. The display of a fine square pattern and, in the margin, the column and line number will facilitate the layout task.
Add data The Add command is used to add a data to the section, of the type selected in the Type of data pulldown menu. The type of data indicates the nature and type of entry for the data. Each type of data has specific properties to complete in a distinct screen. The following types are offered:
  Entry-field zone
  Pulldown text zone
  Yes or No
  Simple check box
  Selection list
  Observation chart
  Student data
  Internet link
Access data The  command displays the detail screen corresponding to the type of data.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Delete data The Delete command eliminates from the form's structure the data selected on screen. A confirmation of the deletion is required.

The data to be deleted cannot be completed in any students' forms.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.
Extensive mode  / Simplified mode The command is used to go from the simplified mode to the extensive mode and vice versa.