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Selection list
Define the properties of a data of Selection list type. This type of data is completed starting from the elements proposed in the Selection list that is associated to the data. Depending on the options, the selection can be single or multiple and "other selections" can be authorized.
Sequence number of data Number setting the order of presentation of the data in the table displayed at the bottom of the section page. It is required.
Name of data Name identifying the data (its title). It is required.
Display name Font style and height in pixels of the display name :

 - font style : <None>, Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
 - font size : <Default>, 8, ..., 72 pixels
Layout properties Position, dimension and alignment of the data name and the data. See the Section screen.
Selection list Choice of the selection list associated to the data. The pulldown menu proposes, in order of their sequence number, the selection lists defined by the school. The selection "Personnel" is added to the standard selection lists. It corresponds to the authorized personnel who were retained in the Authorized personnel activity. The choice of a selection list is mandatory.

The selection list cannot be changed if the data is completed in any student's form.
Edition mode This property indicates the manner in which the elements of the selection list are presented in the form to make the selection: 
- Pulldown menu in form (one selection)
The elements in the selection list are all displayed in a pulldown menu in the form. It is a single-choice selection. The Height of pulldown menu can be specified (1 by default).
- Radio button in form (single choice)
The elements in the selection list are all displayed in the form, each preceded by a radio button for a single-choice selection. Depending on the number of elements contained in the selection list, this edition mode could take up a lot of space in the form.
- Check-box in form (multiple choice)
The elements in the selection list are all displayed in the form, each preceded by a check box for a multiple-choice selection. Depending on the number of elements contained in the selection list, this edition mode could take up a lot of space in the form.
- Extended selection only (single choice)
The selection is done via the Extended selection screen and only one choice is authorized. The form displays the selected element for viewing and makes the  icon available to access the selection screen.
- Extended selection only (multiple choice)
The selection is done via the Extended selection screen and several choices are authorized. The form displays the selected elements for viewing and makes the  icon available to access the selection screen.

The edition mode cannot be changed from multiple choice to single choice if the data is completed in any student's form.

Height of pulldown menu If the edition mode is Pulldown menu in form (single choice), it is possible to indicate the height of the pulldown menu, as a number of lines (1 to 255). If it is not specified, the default height is 1.
Other allowed This property indicates if "other selections" are authorized. When they are authorized, the user will be able to enter their own values in simple-text zones when the choices offered in the selection list are not appropriate. When "other" selections are not authorized, the accepted values are limited to the elements in the selection list.

For a single choice, only one "other" selection is authorized. If the selection is done directly in the form, only one "other" selection is offered. In the case of a multiple selection done in the Extended selection screen, several "other" selections are possible.

"Other" selections cannot be requested when the edition mode is Pulldown menu in form (one selection).

The "other" selections cannot be requested when the selection list selected is "Personnel".

The "other selections" option cannot be changed from "allowed" to "not allowed" if the data is completed in any student's form.
Default values Values selected by default when the student form is being created. The icon displays the Extended selection screen used to select the elements from the selection list to be displayed by default in the form. One or several choices are permitted depending on the Edition mode indicated.

No default value can be specified when the selection list is "Personnel".
Required data Option indicating if the data has to be completed when creating a student form (box not checked by default).
Note permitted Option allowing the possibility of attaching a note to the data when creating a student form (box not checked by default). When the note is permitted, the icon is displayed to the right of the data in the form.

The box cannot be unchecked if a note is already attached to the data in at least one student's form.
Confidential data Option indicating if the data is confidential or accessible to all (box not checked by default). A confidential data will only be visible to, and modifiable by, the form's authors. It is identified by a red frame.
Context-sensitive help Context-sensitive help relating to the data. The icon displays the Extended editing screen used to complete the text in a larger area. It will be possible for the form's users to consult the text by using the icon.
Délimiteur de champ


Option to choose the desired delimiter for the data when printing the form:

 - <None>
 - Framed
 - Underline
The lower part of the page shows a preview of the layout of the data placed in the section.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.