Menu > Forms > Definition of a form > Section General Help
Section size
Specify the size of each column and line of the section. the Column width is indicated in pixels or percentages, as desired. The lines height is indicated in pixels. This definition applies equally to the screen and in print.
The first table is used to specify columns width:
Column width unit The options box are used to select the desired unit of measurement for the columns width:
- Pixels
Columns size will be fixed with a width corresponding to the number of pixels specified.
- Percentage (%)
Columns size will be more "elastic", of a width respecting the proportions indicated in percentage. This is the recommended option for a form section that automatically adjusts to the width of the page
Column width According to the chosen unit of measurement, indicate the width in pixels (1 to 2000) or percentage (1-100). In the case of a percentage width, the sum of the columns sizes can not exceed 100%.

It is not necessary to specify a size for each column: When the size is not specified, the system will automatically adjust the column width based on its content.
The second table is used to specify the lines height:
Line height Lines height is indicated in pixels (1 to 2000).

It is not necessary to specify a size for each line: When the size is not specified, the system will automatically adjust the height of the line height based on its content.
The lower part of the page provides a preview of the columns and lines size of the section.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.