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Absences by reason
View statistics on the distribution of the student's absences by reason.
The table is made up of the reasons that occur in the student's absences, grouped together by type of absence: Justified, Not justified and Lates. There is the following information for each of the reasons:
Reasons Description of the reason for absence.

If the student has absences not associated to a reason, these are counted in the line identified as "Without reason" that appears at the beginning of the Not justified group.
Number of absences Number of absences associated to the reason.

If an alert exists concerning the number of absences by reason for the student and the reason, the number of absences for this reason is displayed in the alert colour.
Percentage of absences Percentage indicating the proportion of the student's absences associated to the reason.
The table also contains the following totals:
Total number of absences Total number of absences without reason or associated to reasons of type Justified or Not justified.

If an alert exists concerning the total number of absences for the student, the total number of absences is displayed in the alert colour.
Total number of lates Total number of absences associated to reasons of type Lates.

If an alert exists concerning the total number of lates for the student, the total number of lates is displayed in the alert colour.
When an asterisk (*) appears to the right of a value highlighted by an alert, it means that the current value of the data displayed no longer corresponds to the value examined at the time of the alert detection. It could thus be that the alert colour displayed is no longer valid. In this case, the following message appears at the bottom of the page:
The value has changed since the last detection of alerts