Menu > Text models General Help
The activity is used to enter the text using the editor.
The editor has several standard commands for text management (font selection, bold, underlined, etc.), as well as the following specific actions:
Add replaceable label

"Replaceable labels" can be placed anywhere in the text. The labels will be replaced by the values corresponding to the student being processed when the letter or e-mail is formatted.

The Replaceable labels pulldown menu displays the available labels. It is used to select a label and insert it into the text. The label can also be entered into the text manually. They must precisely respect the following syntax, including the brackets. The possibilities are:

[Class] Class (code and description)
[Year] Current school year (e.g. 2005-2006)
[Date] Date of the letter (e.g. 2005-09-14)
[Long date] Date of the letter (e.g. Wednesday, September 14, 2005)
[Average] General average
[Guardian] Guardian name
[Homeroom] Homeroom (code)
[Address] Main effective address (checked Ministère)
[Adults responsible] Name of adults responsible (as per the adult responsible code)
[Father] Name of father
[Teacher's name] Name of homeroom responsible
[Authorized pers.] Name of letter author
[Mother] Name of mother
[School] Name of school
[Student] Student's family name and first name
[Student first name] Student's first name
[Id. number] Student Id. number
[Absences] Summary of absences
Add image The Image pulldown menu displays the list of images that were defined in the File and image bank. It is used to select an image and insert it into the text.
The following command buttons are used to save or cancel the changes that have been entered:
Ok The Ok command saves the changes entered in the text and returns to the previous page.
Cancel The Cancel command cancels the changes that were entered and returns to the previous page.